• We love the web !
    We build web applications of all sizes, with Security, Speed, Scalability is mind. Applications that work
    We do not build websites in minutes. We do things right
  • Modern Creative Tools!
    We create web applications to our clients with their regular web application needs
    Project and task management, billing and client relations and more

bienvenue à Coditiv

We are glad you chose Coditiv Today ! We’re a dedicated team of Web enthusiasts based in Ottawa.. The web is our oyster, and we stop at nothing to bring you secure, fast and scalable applications and tools for your web projects

Dedicated support

We do not only create your web applications, we support you along the way

Customizable, Scalable

The world changes very fast. We understand the need for customizable and scalable solutions

Responsive is Key

Your web application is guaranteed to be available on all devices without extra code.

creative design

We believe there is more ways to do the same thing than one! Together, we find the optimal solution for your app needs

Content Management

As the saying goes, "Content is key"! Our team of dedicated web content analysts and providers is at your disposal

21st centure Tools

As the web evolves, we believe we should too. At CODITIV, we create tools for your website, app and team needs


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Nos publications

Nous publions divers articles sur différents sujets technologiques liés à notre travail et à celui de nos clients